Monday, March 10, 2008

Recent Pictures and News...

A quick recap...Ella has been growing and changing every day! She is still a peanut....weighing in at about 17 lbs. Her vocabulary is growing. Her new favorite word is "ball". She has a little soccer ball in her room, and she stood up the other day and tried to kick it! Mommy was so proud. She also says: Mama, Dad, Jed, Nana, Papa, Baba (bottle), Bye Bye, Hi, Button, Moo (when she sees a cow), Woof (when she sees a dog), Uh-Oh (when she drops something)....there may be more, but we can't think of them right now. We had a scare this week...she had a high fever for about 4 days. The doctors thought it was a virus, but we ended up taking her to the ER Friday night. They had to put a catheter in to get a urine sample, and sure enough she has a urinary tract infection. We believe that too much bubble bath is the culprit. From what we have researched, that seems to be one of the most common causes, and it is definitely the one that makes the most sense for her because she takes a bath every night, and we all loves bubbles, so I think we have been adding way too much to the tub! Needless to say, bubble bath is now reserved for special occasions. Ella has been crawling since Thanksgiving day, and cruising since mid-January (walking while holding on to things like the couch). Yesterday (3/9/08) she took her first steps! She has taken a few here and there, but this was about 5 or 6 in a row, and she did it numerous times! Papa even caught it in camera - what luck! She still prefers to crawl because she can get there much faster, but we know she is not far from this new independence. She turns one in about a month...we'll try to keep posting until then, and we'll definitely post birthday pictures after her party!
In her high chair, waving her hands to say "all done".

Standing in her room...gotta love a cute little diaper butt!

Playing in her room...she loves to push the swing, but doesn't like to sit in it anymore!

Her hair is growing, but it is a verrrrrry slow process!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow i miss you guys and really miss spending time with you two and NATHANEA i mean ELLA!! She is beautiful! LOVE YOU GUYS AND MISS YOU